ABOUT THE SADDLE SORE RANCH: Also know as “SSR”, the Saddle Sore Ranch is a privately owned property on Historic Route 66 in Golden Valley, AZ. The owners (Rob & Lubia) always welcome passers by to stop in and chat. This includes locals, as well as travelers looking to “Get their kicks on Route 66”. Due to the number of people that do stop in, they have put out a few picnic tables, and there is a shaded outdoor pavilion. SSR is also a popular stop among local motorcycle riders heading out to the historic town of Oatman, and the “Arizona Sidewinder“; a stretch of two lane road with 191 curves in just 8 miles. No guardrails!!
Rob & Lubia aren’t always there, but they are happy to allow people to stop and rest there. Get out of the sun or inclement weather, have a picnic, etc. If you do stop by, please take nothing but photos, and leave nothing but footprints. Abuse of the property will result in it being closed to the public.
Occasionally Rob & Lubia host private parties on the property, and they also make it available for private events. Follow “Saddle Sore Ranch – Arizona Route 66“ on facebook, and be sure to “CHECK IN” and “TAG” us on social media if you do stop by. We would love to see your pics!!
***Just remember, the Saddle Sore Ranch is PRIVATE property, and you are there at your own risk. They are not responsible for personal injury, or property damage of any kind. Surveillance cameras are all around the property, and are monitored 24/7.***

Contact us at LiveFromSSR@gmail.com
or call/text 424-322-0505 (Rob)